• NOTE: the following is designed for use with Ubuntu 16.04

Basic Usage

1. Start roscore

  1. open a new terminal -> ctr``+``alt``+``t
  2. in the terminal type roscore and hit enter

2. Make a ROS node in python that communicates to a julia node

  1. open another terminal -> ctr``+``shift``+``t
  2. navigate to the folder containing echoinode.py (i.e. ./scr)
  3. in the terminal type python echonode.py and hit enter

3. Run a julia function that can communicate with the LiDAR model

  1. open another terminal -> ctr``+``shift``+``t
  2. navigate to the folder containing handler.jl (i.e. ./scr)
  3. in the terminal type julia and hit enter

#. in the julia type:


4. run gazebo model of the LiDAR

  1. navigate to the folder .scr/c_code
  2. in the terminal type gazebo velodyne.world and hit enter
  • A Gazebo gui should appear on the screen